Saturday, November 6, 2010


As promised, here are some photos 3 weeks post first treatment with the E-one.  The before photo is a little blurry, but I think you can see the difference and the spots I missed!

Left underarm 3 weeks post 1st treatment

Left underarm before


Right underarm 3 weeks post 1st treatment

Left arm post 1st treatment
Right arm post 1st treatment

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some results!

It has been 3 weeks since I first treated my face and underarms with the e-one and about 2 and a half weeks since treating my arms. I wasn't expecting to see much with this first treatment especially on my arms where I hadn't removed the hair at all prior to treatment. However this seems to have worked best on my arms. I have big patches of bare skin where there isn't any hair. I can clearly see where I have missed spots on my arms and on my right underarm. As with IPL which I have had previously had the hair just doesn't fall out, but there is no resistance at all when I touch the hair with tweezers. It just slides out like the root has melted away.
I am very excited about these initial results and can't wait to see what will happen after another treatment. I've tried to take photos but for some reason they aren't very clear. Will have another go before my next blog. Will keep you posted on how I go with my next treatment. Stay tuned...