Saturday, October 9, 2010

I ordered my E-one home laser hair removal machine

I will readily admit that I am a trichophobe- scared of hair to the uninitiated!  The slightest glimpse of an unwanted hair is enough to start a waxing, tweezing, bleaching, epilating frenzy.  Believe me I have tried all forms of hair removal and have a bathroom full of useless creams and devices all promising to leave my skin silky smooth and hair free.   I have spent lots of money on both laser hair removal and IPL with some success.  However my hair although brown, isn't dark enough or thick enough for it to work properly.  My quest for a hairless body has even left me with very painful and embarrassing burns on my arms by one 'therapist', which took at least a month to fade and a couple not entirely.

So when the warm weather finally started to appear last week, so did the panic.    I started to research new ways to achieve the ultimate goal of being hair free and came across the E-one personal hair removal device which is an at home IPL system.  I remembered seeing it on A Current Affair a while back.   It can be used on any hair colour other than red and white.  Apparently you use it every 4-6 weeks and permanent results are achieved after 10-12 sessions, with only a couple of maintenance sessions required yearly after that.  Needless to say I put my order in!  They have a 6 month money back guarantee promotion running at the moment.  Bonus!  At least I know it wont be sitting in a bathroom cupboard if it doesnt work.  Cant wait for it to arrive!!


  1. great post i am using this Hair Removal Machine from last few months i never face any kind of problem from the date of the purchase it

  2. Hi I want to sell my E one hardly used plz contact Sherly.hi (at)
